Day of Ashura 2017 is on Sunday, the first day of October and there are 12 days left to the day of Ashura.
The 10th day of Muharram which is the first month in the Islamic calendar is called Ashura, but each year, the day of Ashura falls in a different day in the Georgian calendar as the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar and the Georgian calendar is a solar one.

Ashura 2017
Day of Ashura was the day in which Imam Husayn, and all 72 of his companions were violently killed and beheaded one by one and all their women and children were captured.
Imam Hussain was the prophet Muhammad’s grandson and the third Shia Imam who prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had stated about him:
“Hussain is from me and I’m from Hussain” (Sunan at-Termizi, V.6, No.3775)
Imam Hussain was surrounded by an Army of 30,000 at the land of Karbala on his way to Kufah in the year 61 Hijri (about 680 AD). Paying allegiance to Yazid was the only way for Imam Hussain to survive but Yazid did not believe in prophetess and revelation as he said it openly and his behaviors were against the Islamic rules. Thus there was no way for Imam Hussain except to sacrifice what they had to save Islam from utter distortion and destruction.
توجه مهم : لطفا در هنگام بازنشر تصاویر در وبلاگ و وب سایت خود، حتما تصاویر را مجددا در سایت یا وبلاگ خود بارگذاری نمایید.
استفاده از متن الزامی نیست و می تواند به دلخواه متغیر باشد.
لطفا برچسب ashura 2017 را در مطالب خود درج نمایید.
توجه 2: برای اطلاع و استفاده از احادیث و تصاویر انگلیسی جدید می توانید به وبلاگ مراجعه فرمایید